

The Baywing Database collects, stores, analyzes, and distributes information on Harris’s Hawks (Parabuteo unicinctus) used for falconry.

Its contribution to falconry’s living heritage is documenting the use of the Harris’s Hawk.


Pedigrees and Performance

As more generations of Harris’s Hawks are bred in captivity for falconry, it is becoming increasingly important for falconers and breeders to have comprehensive pedigree records linked to hunting and breeding performance data.


Register Your Hawk!

The Baywing Database is an essential tool for tracking heritable traits, identifying genetic defects, maintaining a diverse gene pool, and developing selective breeding programs for falconry Harris’s Hawks. Every Harris’s hawker in the world can contribute to the Baywing Database.

Be a Part of the Baywing Database

The Baywing Database is a global registry for captive Harris’s Hawks. Falconers and breeders around the world are invited to register their Harris’s Hawks. Registration is free, and the database is available to all.

There are currently 2,531 Harris’s Hawks in the Baywing Database!


How to Register Your Hawk…

Submitting data to Baywing Database is easy. Use the on-line submission form or email data to the Curator.

Submit Data

Created: 5/25/2016

Last updated: 7/20/2024

Logo design: Frederick J. Pallinger

Funded by: North American Falconers Association

Webmaster:  Jennifer O. Coulson