Please only enter data you are sure is correct! Better to leave a space blank than enter incorrect data! Feel free to note any uncertainty in the Comments section. Giving round numbers for quarry taken is O.K., but resist the temptation to count kills the same way anglers measure fish.

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Email Data

Submitting data to Baywing Database is easy and there are a number of options:

  • Download and use a template on the left
  • Scroll down to bottom of the page to use the on-line submission forms
  • Cut and paste the fields below and to the right into a text or Word file and email your pedigree and hunting performance data to: jenniferocoulson at
  • Scan and email or snail mail annual reports and other paper records to address below

Pedigree Data:

Hawk’s name, Sex (Male/Female), Year of hatch, Hawk’s father’s name, Hawk’s mother’s name, Hawk’s band number, Captive-bred (CB) or Wild-caught (WC), Father’s band number, Mother’s band number, Owner’s name (Last; First), Breeder’s name (Last; First), Country of origin if wild-caught (e.g., USA), State of origin if wild-caught (e.g., AZ), Locality of origin if wild-caught (e.g., county), General comments (264 character limit), Subspecies (Parabuteo unicinctus harrisi, P. u. unicinctus, or a cross)

Hunting Performance Data:

Hawk’s name, Hawk’s band number, flying Weight in grams (1 ounce = 28.3 grams), Seasons hunted (fractional seasons OK), total number of Rabbits caught, total number of Hares/Jackrabbits caught, total number of Squirrels caught, total number of Upland birds (quail, pheasants, etc.) caught, total number of Waterfowl (ducks, geese, coots, moorhens, etc.) caught, total number of Miscellaneous (crows, starlings, etc.) caught, Total kills over all seasons, number of Kills in the hawk’s best season, Owner’s name during the hawk’s best season For the following categories, rank the hawk from 1-5 with 1=worst and 5=best. Hawks should be judged relative to all other Harris’ hawks you have flown or seen flown. Remember, even an average (score=3) Harris’ hawk is a great hunting bird! Enter ‘ND’ if the hawk cannot be scored for a particular category (for instance, if it has never been flown with dogs or hunted in a group). Overall rank (1=awful, 5=incredible), Group hawking (1=fights constantly, 5=never fights even when provoked), hunts well with Dogs (1=attacks even large dogs, 5=trustworthy around the smallest dog), Follows and maintains position in the field (1=lags constantly and/or sits low; 5=follows close and high), flight Speed (1=loses ground to a running rabbit, 5=like a goshawk with brains), Footing (1=misses easy catches, 5=tractor beam), Persistence in pursuit (1=gives up easily, 5=never quits), Hunting comments (264 character limit)

Annual Reports

Breeders can also scan and email or snail mail a photocopy of their Annual Reports, as long as the parents of each hawk are noted.

Mail to:

Jennifer Coulson

Baywing Database

64340 Fogg Lane

Pearl River, LA 70452